Application of high resolution satellite imagery to characterize individual-based environmental heterogeneity in a wild Blue Tit population.
Szulkin, M., Zelazowski, P., Marrot, P., & Charmantier, A. (2015).
Remote Sensing, 7(10), 13319-13336.
Predicting bird phenology from space: satellite‐derived vegetation green‐up signal uncovers spatial variation in phenological synchrony between birds and their environment.
Cole, E. F., Long, P. R., Zelazowski, P., Szulkin, M., & Sheldon, B. C. (2015).
Ecology and evolution, 5(21), 5057-5074.
HAX-1: a novel p-body protein
Zayat, V., Balcerak, A., Korczynski, J., Trebinska, A., Wysocki, J., Sarnowska, E., ... & Grzybowska, E. A., Dziembowska M. (2015).
DNA and cell biology, 34(1), 43-54.
Structural plasticity of dendritic spinels requires GSK3α and GSK3β
Cymerman, I. A., Gozdz, A., Urbanska, M., Milek, J., Dziembowska, M., & Jaworski, J. (2015)
PloS one, 10(7), e0134018.
Non-uniform sampling: post-Fourier era of NMR data collection and processing
Kazimierczuk, K., & Orekhov, V. (2015).
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 53(11), 921-926.
Synthesis of fluorophosphates nucleotide analogues and their characterization as tools for 19F NMR studies
Baranowski, M. R., Nowicka, A., Rydzik, A. M., Warminski, M., Kasprzyk, R., Wojtczak, B. A., ... & Jemielity, J. (2015)
The Journal of organic chemistry, 80(8), 3982-3997.
Hydratation in Discrete Water (II): From neutral to charged solutes
Setny, P. (2015)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(19), 5970-5978.
Distinct Features of Cap Binding by eIF4E1b Proteins
Kubacka, D., Miguel, R. N., Minshall, N., Darzynkiewicz, E., Standart, N., & Zuberek, J. (2015)
Journal of molecular biology, 427(2), 387-405
Analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing Data of miRMA for the Prediction of Breast Cancer
Saha, I., Bhowmick, S. S., Geraci, F., Pellegrini, M., Bhattacharjee, D., Maulik, U., & Plewczynski, D.
International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing (pp. 116-127). Springer, Cham.
Complete series of alkali metal M(BH3NH2BH2NH2BH3) hydrogen-storage salts accessed via metathesis in organic solvents.
Owarzany, R., Fijalkowski, K. J., Jaroń, T., Leszczyński, P. J., Dobrzycki, Ł., Cyrański, M. K., & Grochala, W. (2015).
Inorganic chemistry, 55(1), 37-45.
Dialkylgallium alkoxides stabilized with N-heterocyclic carbenes: opportunities and limitations for the controlled and stereoselective polymerization of rac-lactide.
Horeglad, P., Cybularczyk, M., Trzaskowski, B., Żukowska, G. Z., Dranka, M., & Zachara, J. (2015).
Organometallics, 34(14), 3480-3496.
Binding activity prediction of cyclin-dependent inhibitors.
Saha, I., Rak, B., Bhowmick, S. S., Maulik, U., Bhattacharjee, D., Koch, U., ... & Plewczynski, D. (2015).
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A combined systems and structural modeling approach repositions antibiotics for Mycoplasma genitalium.
Kazakiewicz, D., Karr, J. R., Langner, K. M., & Plewczynski, D. (2015).
Computational biology and chemistry, 59, 91-97.
A global reference for human genetic variation.
1000 Genomes Project Consortium. (2015).
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CTCF-mediated human 3D genome architecture reveals chromatin topology for transcription.
Tang, Z., Luo, O. J., Li, X., Zheng, M., Zhu, J. J., Szalaj, P., ... & Michalski, P. (2015).
Cell, 163(7), 1611-1627.
First there was hydrogen.
Grochala, W., 2015.
Nature chemistry, 7(3), pp.264-264.
AgPO2F2 and Ag9(PO2F2)14 – the first Ag(I) and Ag(I)/Ag(II) difluorophosphates with complex crystal structures
Malinowski, P.J., Kurzydłowski, D. and Grochala, W., 2015.
Dalton Transactions, 44(45), pp.19478-19486.
Dimeric peroxiredoxins are druggable targets in human Burkitt lymphoma.
Trzeciecka, A., Klossowski, S., Bajor, M., Zagozdzon, R., Gaj, P., Muchowicz, A., Malinowska, A., Czerwoniec, A., Barankiewicz, J., Domagala, A. and Chlebowska, J., 2016.
Oncotarget, 7(2), p.1717.
MEK1 Inhibitor Selumetinib Sensitizes Precursor B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells (B-ALL) to Dexamethasone through Modulation of mTOR Activity and Stimulation of Autophagy.
Polak, A., Kiliszek, P., Sewastianik, T., Szydłowski, M., Jablońska, E., Białopiotrowicz, E., Górniak, P., Markowicz, S., Nowak, E., Grygorowicz, M. and Nowis, D., 2015.
Hematological Oncology, 33, p.316.
Temperature and atmosphere tenability of the nanoplasmonic resonance of a volumetric eutectic-based Bi2O3-Ag metamaterial
Sadecka, K., Toudert, J., Surma, H. B., & Pawlak, D. A. (2015)
Optics express, 23(15), 19098-19111.
Application of high resolution satellite imagery to characterize individual-based environmental heterogeneity in a wild blue tit population.
Szulkin, M., Zelazowski, P., Marrot, P., & Charmantier, A. (2015).
Remote Sensing 7: 13319-13336.
Complete Series of Alkali-Metal M (BH3NH2BH2NH2BH3) Hydrogen-Storage Salts Accessed via Metathesis in Organic Solvents.
Owarzany, R., Fijalkowski, K. J., Jaroń, T., Leszczyński, P. J., Dobrzycki, Ł., Cyrański, M. K., & Grochala, W. (2015).
Inorganic chemistry, 55(1), 37-45.
Virus-like particle-mediated intracellular delivery of mRNA cap analog with in vivo activity against hepatocellular carcinoma.
Zochowska, M., Piguet, A. C., Jemielity, J., Kowalska, J., Szolajska, E., Dufour, J. F., & Chroboczek, J. (2015).
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Five eIF4E isoforms from Arabidopsis thaliana are characterized by distinct features of cap analogs binding.
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Analogues of deltorphin I containing conformationally restricted amino acids in position 2: structure and opioid activity.
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In situ plasmonic sensing of platinum model catalyst sintering on different oxide supports and in O2 and NO2 atmospheres with different concentrations.
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ACS Catalysis, 5(1), 426-432
Gold-decorated polymer vessel structures as carriers of mRNA cap analogues
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Polymer, 57, 77-87
Multilayer metamaterial absorbers inspired by perfectly matched layers.
Pastuszczak, A., Stolarek, M., Antosiewicz, T. J., & Kotyński, R. (2015)
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 47(1), 89-97
Optical enhancement of plasmonic activity of catalytic metal nanoparticles.
Antosiewicz, T. J., & Apell, S. P. (2015)
RSC Advances, 5(9), 6378-6384.
District Features of Cap Binding by eIF4E1b Proteins
Kubacka, D., Miguel, R. N., Minshall, N., Darzynkiewicz, E., Standart, N., & Zuberek, J.
Journal of molecular biology, 427(2), 387-405.
Noble Gas Monoxides Stabilized in a Dipolar Cavity: A Theoretical Study.
Szarek, P., & Grochala, W. (2014).
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(11), 2483-2489.
Predicting crystal structures and properties of matter under extreme conditions via quantum mechanics: the pressure is on.
Zurek, E., & Grochala, W. (2015).
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(5), 2917-2934.
“First there was hydrogen.”
Grochala, Wojciech.
Nature chemistry 7, no. 3 (2015): 264-264.
Unexpectedly Complex Crystalline Phases in the MSO3F–Ag (SO3F) 2 Phase Diagram (M= Na, K, Rb, Cs).
Michałowski, T., Mazej, Z., Budzianowski, A., Jagličić, Z., Leszczyński, P. J., & Grochala, W. (2015).
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015(2), 324-332.
New Ag(F1–xClx)y phases for energy storage applications
Wojciech Adamczyk, Piotr Połczyński, Andrzej Mika, Tomasz Jaroń, Zoran Mazej, Karol J. Fijalkowski, Rafał Jurczakowski, Wojciech Grochala
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 17, no. 22-29 (2015): 174.
Facile Formation of Thermodynamically Unstable Novel Borohydride Materials by a Wet Chemistry Route.
Jaroń, T., Wegner, W., Fijałkowski, K. J., Leszczyński, P. J., & Grochala, W. (2015).
Chemistry-A European Journal, 21(15), 5689-5692.
Hydrogen Storage Materials: Room‐Temperature Wet‐Chemistry Approach toward Mixed‐Metal Borohydrides.
Jaroń, T., Orłowski, P. A., Wegner, W., Fijałkowski, K. J., Leszczyński, P. J., & Grochala, W. (2015).
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54(4), 1236-1239.
Superconductivity in transition metals
Slocombe D, Kuznetsov V, Grochala W, Williams RPJ, Edwards PP.
Philos T R Soc A 2015, 373(3): 20140476
Anomalous chemical shifts in X-ray photoelectron spectra of sulfur-containing compounds of silver (I) and (II).
Grzelak, A., Jaroń, T., Mazej, Z., Michałowski, T., Szarek, P., & Grochala, W., 2015.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 202, 38-45.
Toward an accurate modeling of hydrodynamic effects on the translational and rotational dynamics of biomolecules in many-body systems.
Długosz, M., & Antosiewicz, J. M. (2015).
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(26), 8425-8439.
Hydration in Discrete Water (II): From Neutral to Charged Solutes.
Setny, P. (2015).
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(19), 5970-5978.
microRNA-339-5p modulates Na+/I− symporter-mediated radioiodide uptake.
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Synthesis of fluorophosphate nucleotide analogues and their characterization as tools for 19F NMR studies.
Baranowski, M. R., Nowicka, A., Rydzik, A. M., Warminski, M., Kasprzyk, R., Wojtczak, B. A., ... & Jemielity, J. (2015).
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Ethynyl, 2-propynyl, and 3-butynyl C-phosphonate analogues of nucleoside di-and triphosphates: synthesis and reactivity in CuAAC.
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Organic letters, 17(12), 3062-3065.
The first example of a mixed valence ternary compound of silver with random distribution of Ag (I) and Ag (II) cations.
Mazej, Z., Michałowski, T., Goreshnik, E.A., Jagličić, Z., Arčon, I., Szydłowska, J. and Grochala, W., 2015.
Dalton Transactions, 44(24), pp.10957-10968.
Conformational flexibility of Hoveyda-type and Grubbs-type complexes bearing acyclic carbenes and its impact on their catalytic properties.
Pazio, A., Woźniak, K., Grela, K., & Trzaskowski, B. (2015).
Organometallics, 34(3), 563-570.
Electrostatic interactions in aminoglycoside-RNA complexes.
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Towards a metallic quasi‐d9 system without copper: AgO at high pressure.
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RedMDStream: Parametrization and simulation toolbox for coarse-grained molecular dynamics models
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MINT: software to identify motifs and short-range interactions in trajectories of nucleic acids
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Kinetics of trypsin catalyzed hydrolysis determined by isothermal titration calorymetry
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Multi-level machine learning prediction of protein-protein interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisisiae
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A quest for the artificial leaf
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How to find the optimal partner-studies of snurportin 1 interactions with U snRNA 5’ TMG-cap analogues containing modified 2-amino group of 7-methylguanosine
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Effect of different N7 substitution of dimucleotide cap analogs on the hydrolytic susceptibility towards scavenger decapping enzymes (DcpS)
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Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 464(1), 89-93
Application of machine learning method in genomics amd proteomics
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The Scientific World Journal
Salts of highly fluorinated weakly coordinating anions as versalite precursors towards hydrogen storage materials
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Dalton Transactions, 44(45), 19469-19477
Determining critical amino acid contacts for knotted protein folding
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TASK Quarterly: scientific bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, 18(3), 265-279
When eutectics meet plasmonics: nanoplasmonic, volumetric, self-organized, silver-based eutectic
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Advanced Optical Materials, 3(3), 381-389
mRNA Cap Modification through Carbamate Chemistry: Synthesis of Amino- and Carboxy-Functionalised Cap Analogues Suitable for Labelling and Bioconjugation
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Phosphate-modified analogues of m7GTP and m7Gppppm7G – synthesis and biochemical properties
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AgPO2F2 and Ag9(PO2F2)14 – the first Ag(I) and Ag(I)/Ag(II) difluorophosphates with complex crystal structure
Malinowski, P. J., Kurzydłowski, D., & Grochala, W. (2015)
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Chemistry of Ag(II): a cornucopia of peculiarities
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Non‐uniform sampling: post‐Fourier era of NMR data collection and processing.
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KAEA (SUDPRO), a member of the ubiquitous KEOPS/EKC protein complex, regulates the arginine catabolic pathway and the expression of several other genes in Aspergillus nidulans
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A combined systems and structural modeling approach repositions antibiotics for Mycoplasma genitalium
Kazakiewicz, D., Karr, J. R., Langner, K. M., & Plewczynski, D.
Computational biology and chemistry, 59, 91-97
Plasmon-Assisted Indirect Light Absorption Engineering in Small Transition Metal Catalyst Nanoparticles
Antosiewicz, T. J., Wadell, C., & Langhammer, C. (2015)
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Realizing Strong Light-Matter Interactions between Single-Nanoparticle Plasmons and Molecular Excitons at Ambient Conditions
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Diffuse Surface Scattering in the Plasmonic Resonances of Ultralow Electron Density Nanospheres
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Fast acquisition of multidimensional NMR spectra of solids and mesophases using alternative sampling methods.
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miR-132 Regulates Dendritic Spine Structure by Direct Targeting of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 mRNA
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GDFuzz3D: a method for protein 3D structure reconstruction from contact maps, based on a non-Euclidean distance function
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Predicting bird phenology from space: satellite-derived vegetation green-up signal uncovers spatial variation in phenological synchrony between birds and their environment.
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Hydride Formation Thermodynamics and Hysteresis in Individual Pd Nanocrystals with Different Size and Shape
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The Quest for Simplicity: Remarks on the Free-Aproach Models
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Looking at blinking quantum emitter through time slots: the effect of blind times
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MicroRNAs: powerful regulators and potential diagnostic tools in cardiovascular disease
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Fine-tuning of magnetic properities in Ni(II) trinuclear EMACs via modifications of equatorial ligands
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Association Between GWAS-derived rs966423 Genetic Variant and Overall Mortality in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
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Genetic structure and diversity of breeding Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygarus) in Europe
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Prediction of the optimal set of contacts to fold the smallest knotted protein
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Analysis of Structural Chromosome Variants by Next Generation Sequencing Methods
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Compendium of natural hyperbolic materials
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Nitrenium ions and trivalent boron ligands as analogues of N-heterocyclic carbenes in olefin metathesis; a computational study
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Ultimate Limit of Light Extinction by Nanophotonic Structures
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Arrays of elliptical Fe(001) nanoparticles: Magnetization reversal, dipolar interactions, and effects of finite array sizes
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Introgression of peled (Coregonus peled) into European whitefish (C. lavaretus) in Poland
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Zarys nowych metod diagnostycznych w badaniach prenatalnych i ginekologii onkologicznej
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Rola mikroRNA w HCC
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Application of High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Characterize Individual-Based Environmental Heterogeneity in a Wild Blue Tit Population
Szulkin, M., Zelazowski, P., Marrot, P., & Charmantier, A.
Remote Sensing, 7(10), 13319-13336
Localized Surface Plasmon Decay Pathways in Disordered Two-Dimensional Nanoparticle Arrays
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A specialized histone H1 variant is required for adaptive responses to complex abiotic stress and related DNA methylation in Arabidopsis
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“CTCF-mediated human 3D genome architecture reveals chromatin topology for transcription.”
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SK053, a small molecule inhibitor of enzymes involved in allosteric disulfide bonds formation, shows potent anti-leukemic effects and induces differentiation of human AML cells.
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