
Title Project Leader Project period Project funding
Impact of food availability on avian reproduction in a gradient of urbanisation Michela Corsini 2018 - 2021 Preludium, NCN
Wzmocnienie oddziaływań magnetycznych w związkach lantanowców dzięki użyciu superpolaryzatora spinowego Ag (2+) Wojciech Grochala 2018 - 2021 NCN, BEETHOVEN
Cross-talk between the transport of mitochondrial proteins and cellular protein homeostasis Agnieszka Chacińska 2016 - 2021 MAESTRO, NCN
Changes in transcription factor isoforms as a mechanism to switch gene expression during the differentiation of thalamic neurons Marta Barbara Wiśniewska 2018 - 2021 OPUS, NCN
Anionic, cationic and mesoionic analogues of N-heterocyclic carbenes in homogenous catalysis Bartosz Trzaskowski 2017 - 2021 NCN, SONATA BIS
Role of catulin in the regulation of cell-extracellular matrix interactions in tumor invasion and metastasis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Agnieszka Kobielak 2018 - 2021 OPUS, NCN
Design and optimisation of molecular interface for efficient electron transfer within photosystem I-based photovoltaic devices. Joanna Kargul 2018 - 2021 NCN, OPUS
Ultrastructure of hair cells of the organ of Corti and the effects of minocycline on responses to acustic stimulation in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome Magdalena Dziembowska 2018 - 2021 OPUS, NCN
The study of neuroligin 3 mRNA interaction with fragile X mental retardation protein. Joanna Chmielewska 2018 - 2021 PRELUDIUM, NCN
Genetyka ekologiczna sikory bogatki w nowym, długoterminowym badaniu populacyjnym wzdłuż gradientu urbanizacji Marta Szulkin 2015 - 2020 SONATA BIS, NCN