Research Highlights

Journal cover for the authors from Biomolecular Machines Laboratory The article Electrostatic Interactions in aminoglycoside-RNA Complexes, co-written by Prof. Joanna Trylska, head of the Biomolecular Machines Laboratory, and members of the Laboratory: Marta Kulik, MSc and Maciej Jasinski, MSc, was awarded the cover in the recent issue of the Biophysical Journal. Congratulations! >>
New discovery in LTNMF team A Team of researchers from the Centre for New Technologies (LTNMF lab) and students from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, described a new method for the synthesis of borohydride metals based on metathesis reactions, which may in the future be used to produce clean and renewable fuel. More information here.   >>
Two nature papers from 1000 genomes project consortium A global reference for human genetic variation  and  An integrated map of structural variation in 2,504 human genomes were recently published with the participation of members of Functional and Structural Genomics Laboratory. The 1000 Genomes Project set out to provide a comprehensive description of common human genetic variation by applying whole-genome sequencing to a diverse […] >>