Ubiegłe Seminaria i Konferencje

21 czerwca 2018 - QOT – Inauguration and Scientific Session Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies Launch Event  |  21 June 2018 Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2c, 02-097 Warszawa, Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor) Programme:   9:30 Opening   Prof. Agnieszka Chacińska Director, Centre of New Technologies 9:35 Welcome  Prof. Marcin Pałys Rector, University of Warsaw 9:45 International Research Agenda Programme  Prof. Maciej Żylicz President, […] >>
14 czerwca 2018 - Prof. Matthias Bochtler z Międzynarodowego Instytutu Biologii Molekularnej i Komórkowej w Warszawie Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by Prof. Matthias Bochtler The vocabulary of protein-DNA interactions: Symmetry, degeneracy, modifications  16th of June 2018 at 12 p.m. Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C, Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor) Host: Joanna Sułkowska Abstract:The basics of protein nucleic acid interactions have been worked out a long time ago (1), but new […] >>
13 czerwca 2018 - Cleve Hicks, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig, Germany, TBA The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by Cleve Hicks, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig, Germany on TBA Date: Wednesday, the 13th of June 2018 at 1PM Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C, Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor) Host: Marta Szulkin >>
7 czerwca 2018 - Ewa K. Stachowiak, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences State, University of New York at Buffalo Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by Ewa K. Stachowiak from the University of New York at Buffalo Neurodevelopmental origins of schizophrenia – new lessons from induced Pluripotent Stem Cells  7th of June 2018 at 12 p.m. Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C, Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor) Host: Marta B. Wiśniewska […] >>
28 maja 2018 - Prof. Edward H. Egelman, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by Prof. Edward H. Egelman Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics University of Virginia Cryo-EM of Helical Protein and Nucleoprotein Polymers at Near-Atomic Resolution  28th of May 2018 at 12 p.m. Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C, Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor) Host: Joanna Trylska Abstract: […] >>