Laboratorium Fotosyntezy i Paliw Słonecznych

W Laboratorium Fotosyntezy i Paliw Słonecznych prowadzimy zaawansowane badania biochemiczne, biofizyczne i elektochemiczne nad pierwotnymi procesami konwersji energii słonecznej w wysokostabilinych makromolekularnych kompleksach pigmentowo-bialkowych: fotosystemie I (PSI) i fotosystemie II (PSII). Głównym celem tych fundamentalych badań jest określeniem molekularnych mechanizmów fotoprotekcji aparatu fotosyntetycznego w modelowych ekstremofilnych mikroalgach (C. merolae, T. elongatus itp.) poddanych działaniu ekstremalnych bodźców środowiskowych.

Równolegle, zajmujemy się konstrukcją fotoogniw paliwowych zbudowanych z biologicznych i biomimetycznych katalizatorów do utleniania wody i wytwarzania tzw. paliw słonecznych (wodoru i odnawialnych paliw węglowych) pod wpływem absorpcji światła widzialnego. Prace te mają charakter wysoce interdyscyplinarny i prowadzone są w ramach międzynarodowych konsorcjów EuroSolarFuels/Solarfueltandem (lata 2011-2014) oraz PolTur/GraphESol (lata 2016-obecnie) zrzeszających czołowe laboratoria naturalnej i sztucznej fotosyntezy. Używamy metod biochemicznych (AEC, IMAC, SEC, BN-PAGE, Western blotting, frakcjonowanie na gradientach sukrozowych itp.), biologii molekularnej, spektroskopii absorpcyjnej i fluorescencyjnej, bioinformatyki, elektrochemii oraz metod inżynierii materiałowej do syntezy substratów elektrodowych o ściśle określonej nanoarchitekturze.

Współpraca międzynarodowa:

  • Kasim Ocakoglu, Mersin University, Turcja
  • Roman Kouřil, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czechy
  • Radek Kaňa, Czech Academy of Sciences, Trebon, Czechy
  • Dwayne Miller, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Niemcy
  • Johannes Messinger, Uppsala University/Umeå University, Szwecja

Współpraca krajowa:

  • Sebastian Maćkowski, UMK, Toruń
  • Bartosz Trzaskowski, CeNT UW, Warszawa
  • Dorota Pawlak, CeNT UW/ITME, Warszawa
  • Anna Śrębowata, IChF PAN, Warszawa
  • Adam Kubas, IChF PAN, Warszawa
dr hab. Joanna Kargul , Prof. UW
telefon: +48 22 55 43760
pokój: 02.171/02.130

Refereed publications (with CeNT affiliation):

  1. Controlling the charge transfer flow at the graphene/pyrene-nitrilotriacetic acid interface.
    Osella S*, Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Unlu CG, Ocakoglu K, Kargul J.*, Trzaskowski, B.  (2018)
    J. Mater. Chem. C, 6, 5046-5054
  2. Molecular Mechanisms of Photoadaptation of Photosystem I Supercomplex from an Evolutionary Cyanobacterial/Algal Intermediate.
    Haniewicz, P., Abram, M., Nosek, L., Kirkpatrick, J., El-Mohsnawy, E., Olmos, J. D. J., Kouril R. & Kargul, J. M.* (2018).
    Plant Physiol., 176, 1433-1451.
  3. Plasmon-induced absorption of blind chlorophylls in photosynthetic proteins assembled on silver nanowires.
    Szalkowski, M., Olmos, J. D. J., Buczyńska, D., Maćkowski, S., Kowalska, D., & Kargul, J. (2017).
    Nanoscale, 9(29), 10475-10486.
  4. Biophotovoltaic Systems Based on Photosynthetic Complexes
    Kargul, J., Bubak, G., & Andryianau, G. (2017).
    In: Wandelt, K., (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, vol. 7, pp 43–63. (book chapter)
  5. RNA splicing: An ingenious gene self editing tool.
    Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
    The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 91(Pt B), 81.
  6. Metabolomics: Taking snapshots of cellular physiology in health and disease.
    Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
    Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 2017, 93, 86, IF=3.505
  7. Biofunctionalisation of p-doped silicon with cytochrome c553 minimises charge recombination and enhances photovoltaic performance of the all-solid-state photosystem I-based biophotoelectrode.
    Olmos, J. D. J., Becquet, P., Gront, D., Sar, J., Dąbrowski, A., Gawlik, G., … & Kargul, J. (2017).
    RSC Advances, 7(75), 47854-47866.
  8. Diabetes: Present and Future.
    Iminger-Finger, I., Kargul, J., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
    The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 88, 196.
  9. A quest for the artificial leaf.
    Janna Olmos JD, Kargul J.
    Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2015, 66: 37-44
  10. Oxygenic photosynthesis: translation to solar fuel technologies.
    Olmos, J. D. J., & Kargul, J. (2014)
    Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 83(4), 423.
  11. Unequal misses during the flash-induced advancement of photosystem II: effects of the S-state and acceptor side cycles.                          Janna Olmos J.D., Chernev, P., Kargul, J, Messinger, J. (2018)                                                                                                                    Photosynth. Res., accepted.

 Refereed publications (without CeNT affiliation):

  1. Ocakoglu K*, Krupnik T, van den Bosch B, Harputlu E, Gullo MP, Janna Olmos JD, Yildirimcan S, Gupta RK, Yakuphanoglu F, Barbieri A, Reek JNH, Kargul J* (2014) Photosystem I-based biophotovoltaics on nanostructured hematite. Funct. Mat., 24, 7467–7477.
  2. Nilsson H, Krupnik T, Kargul J, Messinger J (2014) Substrate water exchange in photosystem II core complexes of the extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1837, 1257-1262.
  3. van Oort B, Kargul J, Maghlaoui, K, Barber J, van Amerongen H (2014) Fluorescence kinetics of PSII crystals containing Ca2+ or Sr2+ in the oxygen-evolving complex. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1837, 264-269.
  4. Krupnik T, Kotabova E, van Bezouwen LS, Mazur R, Garstka M, Nixon PJ, Barber J, Kana R, Boekema EJ, Kargul J* (2013) A reaction centre-dependent photoprotection mechanism in a highly robust photosystem II from an extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. J. Biol. Chem., 288, 23529-23542.
  5. Kargul J*, Jarzębińska A, Janna Olmos JD, Krupnik T (2013) Application of photosystem I for production of hydrogen as a clean fuel. In: „Interdisciplinary and Applicable Importance of Botanical Sciences” (ed. A Biedunkiewicz, M Dynowska), pp.11-19, Mantis, Olsztyn, Poland.
  6. Kargul J*, Janna Olmos JD, Krupnik T (2012) Structure and function of photosystem I and its application in biomimetic solar-to-fuel systems. J. Plant Physiol., 169, 1639-1653.
  7. Kargul J, Boehm M, Morgner N, Robinson CV, Nixon PJ, Barber J (2012) Compositional and structural analyses of the photosystem II from the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. In: “Photosynthesis: Research for Food, Fuel and Future” (ed. C Lu, L Zhang, T Kuang), pp. 59-63, Zhejiang Univ. Press, Springer-Verlag.
  8. Kargul J, Barber J (2011) Structure and Function of Photosynthetic Reaction Centres. In: “Molecular Solar Fuels” (ed. W Hillier and TJ Wydrzynski), pp. 107-142, RSC Publishing, London.
  9. Murray JW, Maghlaoui K, Kargul J, Sugiura M, Barber J (2008) Analysis of xenon binding to photosystem II by X-ray crystallography. Res., 98, 523-527.
  10. *Romanowska E, *Kargul J, Powikrowska M, Finazzi G, Nield J, Drozak A, Pokorska B (2008) Structural organisation of photosynthetic apparatus in agranal chloroplasts of maize. Biol. Chem., 283, 26037-46. *corresponding authors
  11. Murray JW, Maghlaoui K, Kargul J, Ishida N, Lai T-L, Rutherford AW, Sugiura M, Boussac A, Barber J (2008) X-ray crystallography identifies two chloride binding sites in the oxygen-evolving centre of Photosystem II. Energy Environ. Sci., 1, 161-166.
  12. *Kargul J, Barber J (2008) Photosynthetic acclimation: Structural reorganisation of light-harvesting antenna – the role of redox-dependent phosphorylation of major and minor chlorophyll a/b binding proteins. FEBS J., 275, 1056-1068. (invited review) *corresponding author
  13. *Kargul J (2008) Photosynthetic acclimation: Molecular mechanisms of short and long-term acclimation. FEBS J., 275, 1055. *corresponding author
  14. Kargul J, Maghlaoui K, Murray JW, Deak Z, Vass I, Boussac A, Rutherford AW, Barber J (2007) Purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analyses of the elongatus PSII core dimer with strontium replacing calcium in the oxygen-evolving complex. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1767, 404-413.
  15. Turkina MV, Kargul J, Blanco-Rivero A, Villarejo A, Barber J, Vener AV (2006) Environmentally-modulated phosphoproteome of photosynthetic membranes in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Cell. Proteomics, 5, 1412-1425.
  16. Kargul J, Turkina MV, Nield J, Benson S, Vener AV, Barber J (2005) Light-harvesting complex II protein CP29 binds to photosystem I of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under State 2 conditions. FEBS J., 272, 4797-806.
  17. Melkozernov AN, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2005) Spectral and kinetic analysis of the energy coupling in the PSI-LHCI supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii at 77K. Res., 86, 203-15.
  18. Kargul J, Nield J, Benson S, Barber J (2005) Structure of Chlamydomonas LHCI-PSI supercomplex during state transitions. In: “Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives” (ed. A van der Est, D Bruce), vol. 2, pp. 774-776, Allen Press, Lawrence, USA.
  19. Melkozernov AN, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2005) Excited state dynamics in the PSI-LHCI supercomplex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: excitation wavelength dependence study. In: “Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives” (ed. A van der Est, D Bruce), vol. 1, pp. 178-180, Allen Press, Lawrence, USA.
  20. Swarup R, Kargul J, Marchant A, Zadik D, Rahman A, Mills R, Yemm A, May S, Williams L, Millner P, Tsurumi S, Moore I, Napier R, Kerr ID, Bennett MJ (2004) Structure-function analysis of the presumptive Arabidopsis auxin permease AUX1. Plant Cell, 16, 3069-3083. joint first authorship
  21. Melkozernov AN, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2004) Energy coupling in the PSI-LHCI supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Phys. Chem., 108, 10547-10555.
  22. Kargul J, Nield J, Barber J (2003) Three-dimensional reconstruction of a Light-Harvesting Complex I-Photosystem I (LHCI-PSI) supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biol. Chem., 278, 16135-16141.
  23. Kargul J, Gansel X, Tyrrell M, Sticher L, Blatt MR (2001) Protein-binding partners of the tobacco syntaxin NtSYR1. FEBS Lett., 508, 253-258.
  24. Marchant A, Kargul J, May ST, Muller P, Delbarre A, Perrot-Rechenmann C, Bennett MJ (1999) AUX1 regulates root gravitropism in Arabidopsis by facilitating auxin uptake within root apical tissues. EMBO J., 18, 2066-2073.
  25. Garstka M, Kargul J (1995) Effect of superoxide and redox agents on lipid peroxidation in pea and bean thylakoid membranes. In: “Photosynthesis: From Light to Biosphere” (ed. P. Mathis), pp. 489-492, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
  26. Sączyńska V, Kargul J, Kaniuga Z (1993) Discrimination between chilling-sensitive and chilling-resistant plants based on measurements of free fatty acid accumulation and inactivation of oxygen evolution in aged chloroplasts. Acta Biochim. Pol., 40, 507-513.


  1. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I, Laurent GJ. (2017) Metabolomics: Taking snapshots of cellular physiology in health and disease.
    Int J Biochem Cell Biol. DOI:
  2. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2017) RNA Splicing: an ingenious gene self-editing tool.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 91, 81.
  3. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2016) Diabetes: Present and future.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 88, 196.
  4. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2016) Oxidative stress signalling: too much of a good thing.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 81, 233.
  5. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2016) Extracellular Matrix: a modular soil for stem cells.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 81, 164.
  6. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2016) Proteolytic degradation pathways in health and disease.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 79, 401.
  7. Irminger-Finger I., Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2016) G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs): The more the merrier.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 77, 181-182.
  8. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2016) Nanomedicine: Application of nanoparticles in clinical therapies and diagnostics.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 75, 140.
  9. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2015) Epigenetic regulation of disease: there is more to a gene than its sequence.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 67, 43.
  10. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2015) Mitochondrial diseases: From the lab bench to therapies.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 63, 1.
  11. Kargul J, Laurent GJ, Irminger-Finger I. (2014) Regenerative medicine: future impact on clinical therapies and society.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 56, 1.
  12. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2014) Non-coding RNAs: A novel level of genome complexity.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 54, 286.
  13. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2014) Rare cancers: What we can learn from them.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 53, 459–460.
  14. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I (2014) Cystic fibrosis: from a single gene to complex pathophysiology.
    Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 52, 1.

Group Leader:
dr hab. Joanna Kargul , Prof. UW

Postdoctoral Fellow:
dr Małgorzata Kiliszek

PhD students:
mgr Mateusz Abram
mgr Ewa Borowska
mgr Ewa Borowska
mgr Miriam Izzo

Patrycja Haniewicz, PhD
Julian David Janna Olmos, PhD
Philippe Becquet, MSc
Anita Jarzębińska, MSc
Grzegorz Bubak, PhD Eng
Gleb Andryianau, MSc Eng
Tomasz Kalinowski, BSc
Paulina Misiukiewicz, BSc
Julia Dreksler, BSc
Gaweł Bojanowski, BSc
Jacek Rymuszka, BSc
Marcin Kleibert
Jędrzej Machtyl
Szymon Piaszczyński
Rafał Stachura
Szymon Górnisiewicz
Justyna Kiełbasa
Małgorzata Kucia
Molecular Mechanisms of Photoadaptation of Photosystem I Supercomplex from an Evolutionary Cyanobacterial/Algal Intermediate
Haniewicz P., Abram M., Nosek L., Kirkpatrick J., El-Mohsnawy E., Janna Olmos J., Kouril R., Kargul J.* (2018)
Plant Physiol., 176, 1433–1451.
Biophotovoltaic Systems Based on Photosynthetic Complexes.
Kargul, J., Bubak, G., & Andryianau, G. (2018).
n: Wandelt, K., (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, vol. 7, pp 43–63. (book chapter).
Controlling the charge transfer flow at the graphene/pyrene-nitrilotriacetic acid interface.
Osella S*, Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Unlu CG, Ocakoglu K, Kargul J*, Trzaskowski B (2018)
J. Mater. Chem. C. 6, 5046-5054
Unequal misses during the flash-induced advancement of photosystem II: effects of the S-state and acceptor side cycles
Pham, L.V., Janna Olmos J.D., Chernev, P., Kargul, J, Messinger, J. (2018)
Photosynthesis Res.
Orientation of photosystem I on graphene through cytochrome c553 leads to improvement in photocurrent generation.
Kiliszek, M., Harputlu, E., Szalkowski, M., Kowalska, D., Unlu, C. G., Haniewicz, P., ... & Ocakoglu, K.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
Plasmon-induced absorption of blind chlorophylls in photosynthetic proteins assembled on silver nanowires.
Szalkowski, M., Olmos, J. D. J., Buczyńska, D., Maćkowski, S., Kowalska, D., & Kargul, J. (2017).
Nanoscale, 9(29), 10475-10486.
RNA splicing: An ingenious gene self editing tool.
Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 91(Pt B), 81.
Metabolomics: Taking snapshots of cellular physiology in health and disease.
Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 2017, 93, 86, IF=3.505
Biofunctionalisation of p-doped silicon with cytochrome c553 minimises charge recombination and enhances photovoltaic performance of the all-solid-state photosystem I-based biophotoelectrode.
Olmos, J. D. J., Becquet, P., Gront, D., Sar, J., Dąbrowski, A., Gawlik, G., ... & Kargul, J. (2017).
RSC Advances, 7(75), 47854-47866.
Diabetes: Present and Future.
Iminger-Finger, I., Kargul, J., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 88, 196.
Proteolytic degradation pathways in health and disease
Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J. (2016).
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, (79), 401
A quest for the artificial leaf
Olmos, J. D. J., & Kargul, J. (2015)
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 66, 37-44.
Oxygenic photosynthesis: translation to solar fuel technologies.
Olmos, J. D. J., & Kargul, J. (2014)
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 83(4), 423.
Oxygenic photosynthsis: translation to solar fuel technologies
Olmos, J. D. J., & Kargul, J. (2014)
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 83(4), 423.